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10 Powerful Interview Questions to Ask Potential Employer

Preparing for an interview is as important as the interview itself. Don’t forget to prepare for the tricky question many job seekers forget: “Do you have any questions for me?”

Don’t worry. This is your chance to show the interviewer that you have a genuine interest in the position, to learn more about the employer, and to show your expertise. 

It’s a smart move to put together a list of questions you could ask and bring it along with you to the interview. Remember, your questions should:

  • Help you understand the business better
  • Give you more information about the position and the company’s business model
  • Provide some insight into the company culture and how the team functions
  • Show that you already have some level of expertise
  • Show that you’ve been paying attention to the details throughout the interview
  • Show that you’re enthusiastic about the position

10 Powerful Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

The questions below can help you achieve these goals. Just remember, ask questions that are direct and focused, and show the interviewer you are genuinely interested in the job. 

  1. What’s next for the company?
  2. What market trends is the company trying to capitalize on at the moment?
  3. What surprised you most when you first started working here?
  4. What values do you think are most important for the company?
  5. How does the company handle change on a bigger scale? Can you give me an example?
  6. What’s the most significant change your department has gone through in the past few years?
  7. What are the three things I could contribute to the team right away?
  8. What is your company’s long-term product vision?
  9. What are the company’s business objectives for this year, and how do you measure success?
  10. How do people on your team communicate and stay connected?

Good Questions Lead to Helpful Insights

Remember, the questions you ask your interviewer should go beyond satisfying your curiosity. This part of the interview is your chance to show your interest and to find out crucial aspects of the job that could impact your decision-making process. The questions on our list are not necessarily the only interview questions you should ask. You may want to add a few possibilities specific to the job you’re seeking.