Increase in revenue
Decrease in tech costs
Sourcing efficiency
Prestige Development Group (PDG) is a U.S.-based software development company trusted by startups and enterprises like Adobe, Indeed, and Johnson & Johnson to scale their teams. Their specialties include providing custom web-app development and access to their team of curated onshore and nearshore developers on-demand across the Americas.
When PDG’s recruiting tech stack led to bad-faith partnerships, they turned to Betterleap in search of a modern, intuitive recruiting platform — and wound up cutting workloads by 80%, launching a brand new revenue source, and lifting their bottom line significantly.

- Tiffany Sequeira
Prestige Development Group (PDG)

The Challenge
PDG’s prior vendors locked them into contracts and slowed their growth
Like many recruiters, the team at PDG relied on a standard technology stack — ranging from LinkedIn Recruiter to ZoomInfo to HubSpot. Unfortunately, Tiffany Sequeira, CEO of PDG, admits some leading providers in this landscape can be antagonistic partners. “Quite frankly, they want to hold you hostage,” she explains.
As recently as November of 2022, a sales rep from one of PDG’s vendors essentially threatened to restrict all of the functionality they’d paid for and keep them locked into their contract — unless PDG paid to upgrade. Even worse, a rep from a different vendor gave Tiffany the same shakedown a month later.
In addition to bad faith contract lock-ins, the core products that PDG’s prior vendors offered slowed down their growth trajectory instead of helping them succeed – the antithesis of what Tiffany was looking for in a modern recruiting platform.
As contract, product, and support issues began to swell, Tiffany saw her team’s morale and productivity decline.
Recruiters felt they would miss KPIs since PDG’s strategic partners were withholding essential tech. In the end, Tiffany compares a bad tech partnership to an unhappy marriage — and she was ready to get her company out of it.
“To be frank, some popular recruiting tech companies don’t operate in the spirit of partnership. It feels like they want to hold you hostage and lock you into contracts. My staff wound up unhappy when our partners basically wouldn’t give them tools they needed to be successful.”
The Solution
As a founder and CEO, Tiffany deeply believes in enlisting innovative tools to keep her team thriving in a constantly evolving workplace. When she discovered Betterleap, she was hooked: “I knew in my core that if I didn’t adopt Betterleap’s tech now, I’d be behind the curve with my competitors.”
After a seamless onboarding flow, PDG immediately began to reap the benefits of that tech — in three key ways:
- Betterleap automatically syncs with your applicant tracking system
- Betterleap powers transparent email sourcing with 100% accuracy
- Betterleap plugs directly into your Slack workspace for support
Increase in agency's revenue
Boost in sourcing efficiency
Reduction in sourcing workload
Automatic sync with your ATS data
Prior to Betterleap, PDG’s team typically sourced 15–20 candidates per hour with an 80% accuracy rate. From there, they had to manually copy and paste contact info into their email sequencing tool. “The vendor sold us on the fact that they integrated with HubSpot,” says Tiffany, “but it didn’t once we actually dove in. We had to change all of these licenses.”
Now, Betterleap automatically syncs with PDG’s ATS — enabling them to source 50–60 candidates in 30 minutes at far greater accuracy. Tiffany emphasizes, “Betterleap has made a huge impact on the way we deliver our contracts.”
Email sourcing with greater accuracy and transparency
One of PDG’s biggest challenges was sourcing accurate candidate contact info. Betterleap solves this through a “super transparent” email sourcing feature: Our platform tells you from the start whether a candidate’s email is available or not. Without it, PDG would waste time exporting profiles into other platforms, trying to track down info that simply doesn’t exist online.
In Tiffany’s words: “With ZoomInfo, we used to see 60% email accuracy. Now, Betterleap powers 100% email accuracy.”
On-demand support from Betterleap’s team
Like many companies, Tiffany’s team relies heavily on Slack for internal comms — and Betterleap has plugged directly into PDG’s Slack workspace.
With previous providers, Tiffany often received complaints from recruiters about the tech. Platform limitations and design flaws made their jobs harder. If they tried to contact user support, reps frequently responded with more documents to read, which just created another checklist item for an already busy team.
Today, PDG can interact seamlessly with the Betterleap team: Almost all issues are resolved with a quick Slack DM or channel announcement. With this direct access to support staff and engineers alike, “Betterleap solved the challenge before I even knew the challenge existed.”
“I can see my teammates are happier because they have a tool and a team that wants them to be successful — not one that’s working against them. They truly feel Betterleap is improving their ease and success in their day-to-day roles.”

The Results
Betterleap helps PDG cut costs, boost team efficiency, and lift the bottom line
Since onboarding with Betterleap, the team at PDG has seen impressive time savings, a boost in efficiency, and an increase in their bottom line.
Tiffany doesn’t mince words: “Betterleap is hugely impactful.” Trackable results include:
- 80% decrease in tech costs — PDG’s previous recruiting tech stack was less accurate yet 80% more expensive than Betterleap. Now, PDG can pocket those savings and enjoy 100% email accuracy.
- 6x increase in sourcing efficiency — Previously, PDG could source up to 20 candidates per hour. With Betterleap, that number has multiplied to up to 120 candidates per hour.
- 80% decrease in sourcing workload — With Betterleap, the average PDG sourcer’s workload has been condensed from five days to a single day.
- 25% lift in revenue — Thanks to time savings driven by Betterleap, the PDG team has been able to redirect resources to launching their entirely new healthcare staffing line. Tiffany projects a total revenue boost of 25%.
Tiffany’s team had been pushing her to launch a healthcare vertical for three years. She just didn’t have the time — until Betterleap dramatically increased team-wide efficiency and time savings.
After just one day in the field, the new healthcare team signed three contracts with nursing facilities and sourced a pipeline of 20 certified nursing assistants.
“In the last three weeks, I’ve been able to refocus my time and effort on lifting up our entire healthcare staffing line. It’s almost like starting another business. It took me a year and a half with PDG — and now we’ve done this in three weeks . Betterleap is hugely impactful .”

The Future
Betterleap is built to scale with PDG
Looking forward, Tiffany highlights that one of PDG’s greatest revenue centers is contracting for the federal government. Sourcing and clearing candidates used to take strenuous efforts in small windows of time. PDG is excited to leverage Betterleap to accelerate that workflow and scale their government projects.
Ultimately, the PDG team knows their partnership with Betterleap permits and encourages the business to scale — so much that it’s solidified in their contract. Conversely, in the event that business dips due to markets, “I know I won’t be penalized for it,” affirms Tiffany.
Whatever the environment, Betterleap is a partner for the long haul.